Benefit and Impact
The ARC MedAg Hub’s output will have wide-reaching beneficial impact in Australia and across the globe. It will place Australia at the forefront of agribiotech research, production and manufacturing by developing an export ready, commercially competitive medicinal agriculture industry which will deliver immediate economic benefits to Australia.
The ARC MedAg Hub will:
• Provide knowledge for the optimum safeguarding of the quality, security, scale of cultivation and production of medicinal agriculture by conducting vital innovative research into plant varieties, commercial cultivation practices, chemical synthesis and extraction techniques.
• Contribute to a specialised workforce by creating a robust, profitable and sustainable industry which will provide job growth and better health outcomes.
• Provide opportunities for students to benefit and share in this knowledge by providing access to innovative research programs, state of the art equipment and involvement in projects in which they can directly engage with industry within an environment that has immediate real-world experience and impact.
Prof. Tony Bacic - Collaboration with Industry